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25 ways to say Goodbye to 2020! A New Year's 2021 countdown checklist.

Many of us cannot wait for the clock to strike twelve on December 31, 2020. If we listen for it, we might hear a collective sigh of relief in the air.

Here are 25 ways to bid adieu to 2020 and let the beast fade away in the rear view:

Basic checklist, often overlooked.

Before December 31:

1. Clean out your fridge.

2. Stock fresh food and celebratory snacks in advance. If you are making a special meal,

buy the ingredients at least a day in advance.

3. Clean and organize your home.

4. Plan a Zoom or Skype New Year's eve party with friends or plan to join one. Or two.

5. Take shower, wash your cloths.

6. Take out the garbage.

7. Donate old clothing, Kondo your home.

8. Do your chores before or after New Year's Day. Make January 1 your day of rest, family,

friends, creativity, and reflection.

9. Do an overall life and health review. Review your finances, book a dental check-up and

a physical with your doctor. Start 2021 with full awareness of where you stand.

Getting deep. A little more effort, but well worth it!

New Years Eve:

10. Smudge your home with Sage.

11. Put a Happy New Year's Sign on your lawn or outside your window to share the relief.

12. Plan a Zoom call or two for January 1 with family or close friends. Send out the details

before the end of December 31.

13. Balance your mind, body and spirit with an Energy Channel clearing yoga session.

New Year’s Day:

14. Practice a New Year’s meditation.

15. Create something new. Cook a new dish, draw something, start a new puzzle.

16. Do something you love and is part of your dream and goals. Make or play music, write a

few pages of your novel, or build part of your solitude shed.

17. Start a Yoga and Meditation practice! Join the Mind & Body Muse Community for


18. Write in your journal. Reflect on the past year and your hopes for the new one. What did

you learn and want to take forward? What do you want to leave behind that no longer

serves you? Follow my Blog for future journaling tips.

19. Set your Sankalpa, your overall intention that reflects your inner truth and your heart’s

deepest desire, to guide you through 2021. “I am filled with Energy everyday”, “ “I am

at Peace”, and “I am passionate about my work” are some examples. Attend my free

20. Set some resolutions, but do not be attached to the outcome. Use them as guides to

living a more fulfilled life.

21. Engage in some Art therapy. Color or draw a Mandala. Become a Mind & Body

Community Member and download free coloring and activity sheets!

22. Take a moment to forgive yourself or another person. Be compassionate, kind, and let

the anger dissipate. This may require a little more support, so…

23. Book a therapy session. There are many online options these days with so many places

under pandemic restrictions.

24. List the good things that happened in 2020. There were some nuggets of gold in the dirt

of 2020. You may need to dig a little to find them.

25. Volunteer. In-person volunteering is limited, but there are ways to help others. Consider

food donations and drop-offs, or setting up a community kitchen or library.

Even though dates are just a way to mark and organize our time, New Year’s eve can be a turning point for many, a day to prepare for the new year, a chance to wipe our mental slates clean and start with a more positive, resilient perspective.

Follow my blog for more tips on how to reduce your stress, manage your pain and improve your flexibility, strength and mental health this new year!

May you be safe, happy and healthy in 2021,


*Sign up to become a Mind & Body Muse Member and receive more yoga and wellness freebies, event news and resources!

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